Sunday, January 13, 2013

Welcome to my world..

So here it is - my very first blog.  I have created this to share my various projects throughout the year, and the progress they make!  

Stefan and I bought our first house near the end of 2012, and this will be the first year I spend in a home that could very well be permanent, or at least long-lasting.  We will raise our children here, experience trials and tribulations as well as make extraordinary memories.  We are working parents, keeping up on a house, a family, and our jobs, while still having to find the time to appreciate one another, and ourselves!  Having lived in many places before, this chapter of our lives differs from all the others in that we are solely responsible for every aspect of this life now - we have each other and a will to build a legacy. We have truly thrust ourselves once and for all into the * ominous music*...Real World.

Every day is a new possibility, and an adventure.  I hope to share these adventures with you!

Come February, I will be doing a 28 day project : 28 days of recipes.  Right smack in the middle of my 365 days of 2013 photo project with, you guessed it, a photo a day!  The photo-a-day project can easily be followed on facebook, my URL being (who says I can't hold onto my roots in the real world?)  Each day in February I will be sharing a recipe.  It will either be something I invented, something I found online, something that has lived in my family for generations, or even my take on any simple classic favorite.  From lunches and breakfasts to dinners, snacks, and smoothies, every day will have something new.  I'll share the recipe, step by step instructions, and a photo tutorial of the process, one for every day of the month.

Any suggestions for what to do with the rest of the months of the year are welcome!

Until next time, I will be sharing the best of the photos I have amassed so far this year.  To see the others, feel free to follow the project on facebook.  

Happy trails, reader.