Saturday, February 16, 2013

28 Days of Recipes: More Blanketed Food

Remember how I said how exciting it is to wrap stuff in blankets?  Well this is no exception.  In fact, I made it with leftovers just for kicks when I had Stefan's sister and her friend over keeping me company one night, and although they were not fans of the ingredients, they said together they were so awesome that they went out and bought more dough so I could make it again.  I'd call that a success.

Cheesy Mushroom Rollups

You need these things, plus a bottle of Dijon mustard, that I apparently didn't feel the need to picture.  Also, I must apologize for the poor quality, as I made these at night, and my camera hates that time of day.

First, you lay out your crescent dough in the triangles it comes in..and preheat your oven to whatever it says on the package.  I believe all packages are different, so just do what it tells you to do.  Obey the package.  Sheeple.

I'm guilty of package obedience too.  I'm not a chef.  What.

Then you chop up some mushrooms!  Make them really tiny, not like the picture.  Don't obey the picture.  I liked this picture, though.  I kind of want to eat it.

And basically...the rest should be fairly obvious.  Sprinkle mushroom pieces and cheddar cheese on your crescent rolls.

Then fold them up however you want, and brush them with Dijon mustard!

I don't have a brush, so I used a spoon and was really generous.

I seriously let that mustard bottle just glop all over my crescent rolls, and it was amazing.  I also sprinkled some cheese on top afterward, because you can't have too much cheese, ever.

Then you bake them!

Apparently "the mustard makes it," at least that's what I was told by the girl who scarfed down like five of these despite the fact that she doesn't like mushrooms or mustard.  Bless her heart.

Here's what they look like on a plate!

Now go forth and make these, and try not to choke on their awesomeness.

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