Friday, February 1, 2013

28 Days of Recipes: Nutella and Brie Rollups

Once I discovered that I could wrap hot dogs in strips of crescent or biscuit dough and bake them, an incredibly liberating thought occurred to me:  I can wrap absolutely anything in strips of crescent or biscuit dough, and most likely it will turn out ridiculously awesome.  This realization has tempted me to wrap literally everything in my home in Pillsbury, and bake it at 350 degrees for 15 minutes...but luckily, I stopped and exercised a little bit of self control, as I don't think couch-cushions-in-a-blanket would make a very good midday snack.

However, this combination will make an excellent midday snack.  I promise!

Nutella and Brie Rollups

Delicious chocolatey hazelnuty spready stuff (I just made up some words there), meet Brie, the queen of cheese.  She's like butter's more versatile, more intelligent, yet totally slutty cousin.  If you eat this while on a diet, you should probably be ashamed.  You've been unfaithful.  But sometimes brie is just too persistent for resistance.  (I really hope I can keep up the rhymes, puns, and other amusing things for these entire 28 days.)  If you're going to take the plunge, be forewarned that she's not going to call you the next day, and your diet won't forgive you anytime soon.

That said, all you need are these things:

Yup, that's it!  Just some brie, some crescent dough, and some Nutella.  Oh, and of course, this:

And this:

Okay, now I'm just showing off.  From now on I'm going to assume you know what a preheating oven looks like.

So, preheat your oven to 375 degrees, or whatever degrees your particular brand of dough says you should preheat your oven to.  I'm not the expert here, I just do what the cardboard tube tells me to do.

Then lay out your triangles...and spread them with brie.

It doesn't have to be pretty.  We're not really in it for pretty.  Just try to keep it near the middle, so it doesn't leak out during baking and waste precious brie all over the place.  That would be sad.

Also, try not to do this!

And by "This" I actually mean try not to look like a tired, worn out, unshowered mommy with dark circles under her eyes and an inside-out shirt.

But also don't eat the brie.  WE NEED IT.  PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN!

Here comes the fun part:

Don't eat your computer screen.  I know its hard.  And I know that I'm a bad example to follow, because I ate the rest of the jar when I was done making these.  (In my defense, there wasn't much left, and after I ate all that brie, I figured my day was shot anyway.)

Then, you do this:

Except....and it pains me to say this....that is way too much Nutella.  You want it to be 50/50, or heavier on the brie, since Nutella is a stronger flavor.  But I'm not a four star restaurant, I'm a bored mom with an internet blog who happens to really like Nutella.  I guess you can make these however the hell you want.

Anyway, after that, just roll them up like you would a croissant.  I actually made little funky looking things that don't resemble a croissant at all.  They more resembled a croissant's retarded cousin.

Cute, but slightly lop-sided.  That's okay.  Once you bake them for about 10 or 11 minutes, they come out looking like this!

And they come out tasting like a magical fairy land where unicorns crap money and everybody loves you.

The final step to this recipe is simple.  Do not be ashamed to do the following:

See you tomorrow!  I'm totally going on a juice fast now.

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